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December 2020 Village Update

As 2020 comes to an end, WAVE would like to reflect on the past year, which has been a struggle for everyone. In the turbulent time of the Coronavirus, the whole world has been affected, from big cities, rural small towns to the villages in Africa.

In Ghana, West Africa, people have lost their jobs and do not have a system in place for unemployment payments, social security benefits or medical insurance. People have gone without basic needs for the past 9 months. In the village, they depend on the fruit from the trees, the fish in the rivers and the little maize they grow to nourish themselves; rice is too expensive to buy. The children have been out of school and do not have a system to attend classes on Zoom, like the children in the United States. With that, the children have fallen behind in their academics due to the pandemic. Fortunately the children will be returning back to school in January.

The chief has informed WAVE that there have been no cases of Covid in the village and are declining in the cities.

Throughout the year, WAVE has been building a new structure, which will house a library and computer facility, which will hopefully be completed by February. Last April, WAVE sent the village protein drinks, donated by NeoLife, to help supplement the children during this difficult time. In addition, last month WAVE shipped 30 computers to the village along with 20 boxes of books and 6 boxes of clothes.

Christmas will come and go, but the needs of the village children will continue. With your donations this season, WAVE will finish the library/computer building and continue to feed the children while parents struggle to regain jobs.

During the holiday season, it’s a time for giving to those in need. Please consider making a donation to WAVE and give the gift of education to children in the village of Godenu, Ghana, West Africa. Your donation will make a difference. 100% of all donations, minus transaction fees will go directly to the village to better the lives of the children.


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